[LEGL 2700] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 53 pages long Study Guide!

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What is law: three primary elements. 3) enforced by the government: other notes: Generally written down and accessible to the public. Efficiently, intelligently designed: code of hammurabi (babylon, 1790 b. c. ) If any one brings an accusation against a man and the accused leaps in to the river, if he sinks in the river his accuser shall take possesion of his house. If the river proves the accused is not guilty, he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped ino the river shall take possesion of the house that had belonged to his accuser. Types of law: common law versus civil law. Judges have the ability to interpret the law. Judges have the power to apply the law (how does this law govern this specific dispute?) Judges have the power to create the law/pass down new rules or exceptions. When a judge issues a ruling, it becomes part of a law.