[HIST 2112] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 66 pages long Study Guide!

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The soviet union collapsed after seven decades of corruption and economic inefficiencies. Gorbachev said the ussr needed reform, used glasnost and perestroika to reform the economy and the state system - document 28. 4. Reagan was one of the few people who recognized gorbachev"s sincerity and worked with him. Following the collapse of the soviet union, other parts of the eastern communist bloc began to collapse and democracies were established: ex. Poland"s solidarity movement, hungary, czechoslovakia, bulgaria, romania, latvia, Following the collapse of the soviet union, america was left as the world"s sole superpower. 1989 invasion of panama: president bush"s operation just cause sent marines to capture. Panamanian general and drug lord manuel noriega, then the u. s. government installed a new regime in panama. 1991 gulf war and president bush"s operation desert storm: saddam hussein invaded. Kuwait for oil, so a u. s. -led military assault drove iraqi forces out of kuwait.