GEOG 1103- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Creates generalizations, loses individuals, acknowledges stereotypes, creates a mystical culture . When saying something is part of their culture it doesn"t say how it came to be. An ideology that defines the majority of a group at a certain point in time. Politician, environmental, economic and social ways of life. These 4 factors play out over the landscapes. Geog = earth and graphy = writing. Live history that studies events and events happen in places. We must understand the influences of geography: historical, political. A way of describing a total way of life of a group of people, but not necessarily the way of life for all people. Maps represent a bounded space and a relative positioning to other things. In order to understand culture, we have to know how culture came to be by studying economic, political, social and historical factors. Culture cannot be separated from the four factors. Culture wars wars fought over the things perceived as culture.