FDNS 2050 Study Guide - Final Guide: Iron-Deficiency Anemia, Female Athlete Triad, Magnetic Core

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Dairy products (milk & yogurt), fish (salmon & sardines), dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, fortified foods. Lactose and vitamin d in milk may facilitate absorption. Phytates in legumes and oxalates in spinach may diminish absorption somewhat. 1% enzyme activation: muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, cell membrane potential. 75% of women do not consume ai (50% consume < 1/2) Osteoporosis - major health problem of calcium deficiency. Low serum calcium levels: rare may impair muscle contractions and cramps. Low bone calcium may lead to fractures especially stress fractures. Cancer (most research on colorectal, findings are equivocal) High bp (studies shown small reduction in bp with supplementation) Come in different forms & amounts: 200-mg one-a-day, 200-600 mg, carbonate or citrate little difference, chewable for older (50+) Advice: 200 mg with meals 3x a day, may reduce absorption of oxalates when combined with calcium may form kidney stones, avoid exceeding ul (below 1. 5 g)