PHY 2020- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Note, theories are not required to make large advancements in knowledge; often, science advances in many small steps building on previous findings from other scientists. In this way, it is a very collaborative endeavor: a theory that has been tested and proven correct over and over again, it is written down and called a law (this doesn"t necessarily mean it"s 100% correct). 1. 2: scientific notation is crucial in physics, multiplying two numbers in scientific notation is written in the form, dividing two numbers in scientific notation is written in the form. 2. 1: scalar quantities have no direction attached, but have a magnitude (size). Ex: mass: vector quantities have a direction and a magnitude. Ex: velocity: a vector is often showed as an arrow. |a| = a (magnitude of a) direction as well as magnitude). The third side of the triangle is vector c (if a + b =