MCB 3020- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 99 pages long!)

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Microbiology lecture one: top causes of death in the us, heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease (respiratory infections in other parts of the world, influenza and pneumonia. Septicemia (bloodstream infections: top 10 causes of death worldwide also include: hiv/aids, diarrheal diseases and. Louis pasteur: swan-neck flask experiments, disproved theory of spontaneous generation, yeast fermentation to make alcohol, pasteurization, antony van leeuwenkoek, edward jenner. Ignaz semmelweis: robert koch, etiology of anthrax, koch"s postulates (cid:894)a set of criteria(cid:895, still used today to establish the link between a particular microorganism and a particular disease. John snow: paul ehrlich, alexander fleming, germ theory of disease, discovery of genetic materials. Involved in: nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, sulfur cycle, primary producers, convert inorganic to organic: gas mass, co2, ch4: greenhouse gasses produce infra-red. Until enzyme becomes saturated (max) it cannot increase any more no matter how much substrate you add.