MCB 2000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Otitis Media, Alcoholism, Gangrene

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Mcb 2000 exam three study guide-spring 2017: selected terms used in the study of infectious diseases and their definitions, virulence factors: attributes of a microbe to promote pathogenicity, enzymes, pili, exotoxins/endotoxins. Infectious disease: disease caused by an infecting microorganism or virus: disease: impairment of body function, viroid"s: plant pathogen can cause plant disease. Cili (not attachment) (is this a virulence factor?) Protein a= having capsules or protein can avoid phagocytosis (being swallowed) Exotoxins: proteins that are produced and secreted g positive and negative: some are called cytolytic toxins: damage the cytoplasm of the host) Superantigens: are exotoxins that act like multiple toxins or molecules, cause immune system to over react. Why gram negative septicemia is more dangerous than septicemia caused by gram negative bacteria: compare endotoxins and exotoxins. Exotoxin= released by bacteria: define two forms of intracellular pathogens. Intracellular pathogens can grow and multiply in various cells of a host. Facultative intracellular pathogens: live in cells or the environment.