CPO 2001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Authoritarianism, Nfrastructure, Neoliberalism

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Regimes" level of institutionalization: the degree to which government processes and procedures are established, predictable, and routinized. All modern states, including authoritarian regimes have executive branches and bureaucracy and provide some sort of judiciary institutionalization- how government arranges itself. Many authoritarian regimes ended with the end of the cold war. This is based on a definition that the authoritarian regime does not have free/fair elections or a freely elected executive. Semi authoritarianism is a result of either failed transition to democracy or the liberalization of being authoritarian. Military is a tool and a liability to the leader. Supreme leader: individual who wields executive power with few formal limits in an authoritarian regime. He has very few constraints on his power. Security is the main goal for all regime types. In personalist regimes, leaders tend to put close friends/supporters in positions of power.