ANT 3520 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Clinical Pathology, Forensic Anthropology, Coroner

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Locard"s principle states that any two objects that come into contact with each other will leave a mark upon the other; criminals always bring evidence into a scene and always take evidence with them, even if not intentionally. Material that law enforcement has jurisdiction over- includes burnt remains, mass graves, decomposed, or dismembered bodies. Make a biological profile that can characterize a person based on factors like their age, biological sex, height and race. Highlight any identifying features on the body/bone like disease, cut marks, or any other damage. Remember that forensic anthropologists are not qualified to determine cause of death. That falls in the medical examiner"s scope of practice. State the four periods in forensic anthroplogy (us) Paul revere was able to id dr. parkman"s damaged (burnt/dismembered) remains by identifying the silver dentures he made for parkman. This lead to warren"s arrest after the janitor reported suspicious activity.