ANT 3520 Study Guide - Final Guide: Monteggia Fracture, Blunt Trauma, Ballistic Trauma

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Understand the general sequence, timeline, and mitigating factors involved with bone repair and remodeling and how this is used in trauma analysis: bone repair. Creation of hematoma- immediate inflammation with blood clotting factors (red/white blood cells and osteocytes) Woven bone matrix (callus) laid down by osteoblasts. Callus remodeled to regular (lamellar) bone and strengthens through time. Averages 4 to 6 weeks but varies depending on: Extent to which the fracture can be immobilized: bones that can be immobilized heal faster. Blood supply: bones that have good blood flow and ample blood supply heal faster. Age of the individual: bones heal slower with age. Overall health: disease that may prevent blood flow, lifestyle (smoking, drinking, activity, trauma is human activity. What lines of evidence can be used to differentiate them: antemortem- injuries that happened during life. Individual is alive and has time to heal from the injury. Once a bone heals, you cannot tell when it was broken.