ANT 3520 Study Guide - Nasal Bone, Pubic Symphysis, Fetus

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Brow ridge: brow ridge more pronounced in males, brow ridge smaller in females. Larger and more robust in males: small and more gracile in females. Shape of forehead: slopes posteriorly in males, more vertical in females. Inion hook: on very back of skulls in males. Large in males: small in females, pelvis (sex) Subpubic angle: females have wider pelves with a larger circular birth canal (u- shaped/obtuse, male pelves are narrower with a smaller and more triangular birth canal (v-shaped/acute) Sciatic notch: females have a wider sciatic notch, males have a narrower sciatic notch. Sacrum: females have a longer, narrower sacrum, males have a shorter, broader sacrum, angle of legs, femoral head. In males, ossification occurs along margins of ribs. In females, ossification occurs more centrally: carrying angle of arms, best place to look is pelvis, than skull, can"t determine transgender from skeleton, non-metric/metric, nonmetric- looking at/shape. Visual analysis of bone: metric things you measure.