AMH 2020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jack Kerouac, The New York Times, Chapter 27

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Document Summary

The yalta conference held in 1945 was conference between fdr, stalin, and churchill to discuss europe"s post-war reorganization. Fdr believed in spreading democracy and freedom but he was also a realist, which reflected in his effort to strike a delicate balance between his beliefs and stalin and churchill beliefs at yalta. After, fdr died his successor truman had a different approach, he thought that the soviets threatened a barbarian invasion of europe and he intended to deter it. They don"t want the soviet union to expand because of the fear that they would try take over the. U. s. by gathering up smaller countries that were vulnerable because of wwii. Oversee the people are under threat of communist take over. The document basically warned the soviets that the u. s. will intervene: the threat of military action overseas, the u. s. will protect greece and turkey to keep them from going to communism.