AMH 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Indentured Servant, Hay Day, Main Source

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Questions: in your own words answer each of these questions then check with my answers below. Discuss the effects of puritan society and lifestyle has on modern day america, specifically the north east. Explain the process behind how both indentured servitude and slavery came into being. Puritans have always played a major role in the development of american society. Former presidents john f. kennedy and ronald reagan have both used the colloquial puritan phrase city upon a hill . While the phrase itself and the presidents speeches have their own errs in their history it still outlines the effects. 17th century puritan society had on 20th century america. Puritan society held certain values dearly most important was that of. Thanks to religion puritan society was for the beginning part of the their tenure in america was successful. Puritanism led the idea that the bible is law, for. Puritans, the bible described perfectly how they ought to live their lives.