THEA242 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dial M For Murder, George Bernard Shaw, Joe Corrigan

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Didaskolos early director : name of person who assisted the writer in early greek theatre by giving instructions to actors. Choregus early producer : charged with running and nancing the productions from gov. Some writers were directors, some actors were directors: end of 19th century georg, duke of saxe-meiningen became rst real director in modern sense. Director has vision (most important job of director) Has authority and control to lead the way. Controls where to go, what to do, what to say, how to say it, create an atmosphere for creativity. Should have objective eye, be a psychologist, have a running time clock, see the end, have patience, act as audience. Steve tague director, dial m for murder. Rep play in winter session ( rst performance on january 18) fun murder mystery. Play has 2 pieces: before performance long director"s piece (process for dial m began april 9-10 months before opening, performance.