SOCI201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Class Stratification, Heterosexism, Polyamory

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SOCI201 Full Course Notes
SOCI201 Full Course Notes
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You should be able to define and contextualize each term or concept. Racism/institutional racism: racism: belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits, race is hierarchical, racism is used to maintain inequality. Institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority group: examples: prison, medicine, stop and frisk, voting, media. Documentary: 13th: construction of criminality of black americans after the emancipation proclamation. Whiteness/white privilege: dominant culture, definitions and inclusion has changed over time, privilege, mcintosh 1998, recognition of unearned privileges, relationship to unearned disadvantage. Ethnicity/symbolic ethnicity: voluntary, self-defined, not hierarchical, fluid and multiple, cultural. Group responses to domination: withdrawal, passing, acceptance, resistance. Class stratification: o(cid:272)ioe(cid:272)o(cid:374)o(cid:373)i(cid:272) status (cid:894) e (cid:895): i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual"s positio(cid:374) i(cid:374) the st(cid:396)atified so(cid:272)ial o(cid:396)de(cid:396, ses usually includes occupation, income, wealth, and education, boundaries not sharply defined but usually four classes: upper, middle, working, poor. Social mobility: the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification.