PSYC314 Final: Coure Study Guide

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Will be recorded from a nerve cell whose membrane potential rises. Outside of your brain and spinal cord; includes nerves attached to brain and spinal i. Glia cells: supporting cells of the cns, astrocytes: , ogliodendrocytes: the myelin sheath different in the pns, microglia, the blood-brain barrier. Myelin sheath; how is: communication within a neuron i, neurons can communicate within themselves and also to other neurons, neurons send electrical signals from their cell bodies down their axons to the terminal, types of neuronal communication buttons. Membrane potential of neuron not being altered by excitatory. In crease in the membrane potential of cell (make it more iii. iv: membrane potential: ii. Transporter and movements: control of membrane potential, the sodium-potassium pump. Ionotropic receptors iii. iv: the action potential, occurs when the cell is upon movement on na+ and k+ ions through special pores in the membrane called channels.