PSYC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Illusory Superiority, David Dunning, Confirmation Bias

81 views10 pages
10 Mar 2018

Document Summary

The brain, physical structures (areas/chemicals what creates mind) Biological- genes, chemicals in brain/areas in brain chemical/hormone differences (risk taking) Individual- characteristics that may vary from person to person, how does one perceive and interpret the world personality traits, gender identity. Social and cultural- social relationships social is smaller social groups (peer group around you: friends, family) If everyone goes you go cultural (society) values. Urban vs rural (different rules about jaywalking in different countries) Critical thinking: the ability to think by systematically evaluating information to reach reasonable conclusions. Ignoring evidence (confirmation bias)- can have many consequences; tendency to only look for information that supports what you"re already thinking but ignore what you"re not thinking. Ex: google search- based off past history- shows results that match past search history like liberally oriented searches. Accepting after-the-fact explanations (hindsight bias)- looking backwards, after outcome is known we look backwards.