PSYC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Free Recall, Reinforcement, Freudian Slip

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Exam #2 review sheet: chapters 5, 9, 6, and 7. Increased object distance from eye decreased disparity: ex: hold pen close to eyes & wink each eye increase distance of pen & wink each eye, lights and shadows ~ 3d effect, motion parallax. Processing: top-down: based on concepts & driven by knowledge/expectations organizes sensory info, helps describe individual/personal effects on perception. Infants born with generic info of a face: bottom-up: based on sense & driven by data, certain cells respond to certain stimulus features mentally recombined for perceptual experience. Levels of consciousness: unconscious: affects conscious decisions when, anxious, dreaming, drinking, freudian slips, stressed, using psychoactive drugs, preconscious, conscious, nonconscious. Sleep habits: newborns: 16-20 hours 50% dream sleep, 3-5 year olds: 20% dream sleep, healthy adults: 5-10 hours median: 7. 5 hours, 50-75 year olds: 15% dream sleep. Rem sleep: functions, solidify daytime learning, replenish norepinephrine (adrenaline), develop synaptic connections simple neural network: sensory/cognitive/motor.