PSYC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Odd Future, Brainstem, Informed Consent

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Document Summary

Using psychological reasoning: failing to see our own inadequacies: why are. The study, through research, of mind, brain, and behavior: levels of analysis. The ability to think in this way- to systematically question and evaluate info. How are these philosophical roots still relevant as a part of more modern examples? o contemporary foundations. What historical events/context lead to the rise to each of these approaches: philosophical roots nature/nurture. Introspection: structuralism conscious experience can be broken down into component parts, functionalism mind is too complex to be broken down. Influenced by theory of evolution: gestalt- the whole is not the sum of its part. keep the notion that perception is still subjecting and dependent on context, freud- psychoanalysis. Remember the storyline of how we talked about the historical timeline during class. Every one think they are above average. ( self-serving bias) A quick puzzle to test your problem solving (confirmation bias)