POSC150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Freedom Of Information Laws By Country, Judicial Activism, United States District Court

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25 Apr 2016

Document Summary

What is the role of congress: make rules for the whole nation, represent local constituents. Identify and describe the four main forms of representation: policy representation, casework, symbolic representation, allocative representation. Try to get money from the government to help people in your district. Which has more members: the house of representatives or the senate: house of reps. Who serves a longer term: a senator or a representative in the house: senator: 6 years. Identify two powers specific to the senate that the house does not have: unlimited debate and no rules committee. How do you overcome a filibuster: when someone not like something they can delay a decision, happens in the senate, over if 60% of senate agrees to end it. What is its purpose: it is when the congress makes sure that the executive branch is in check. If so, what is this process: yes, there is a reallocation every 10 years with the changes in censuses.