NSCI320 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuroglia, Caudate Nucleus, Schwann Cell

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>10 point quiz on friday on chapters 4 & 5. Thalamus-sensory receptors to brain and relays informaion to higher associaion areas. Schwann cells-funcion is similar to oligodendrocytes: oligodendrocytes can create myelin sheaths for muliple cells, not schwann cells. Coronal brain structures: hippocampus-botom corner let and right, caudate nucleus- above corpus callosum, thalamus-middle on sides of cerebral aqueduct, putamen-down near hippocampus. Men->youth & atraciveness, women-> power & earning capacity. Astrocytes=largest glial cells & also cover outer surfaces of blood vessels & play role in controlling blood brain barrier. Eferent axons are always directed away from the brain and clusters of cell bodies in the.