MEDT200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Epiphyseal Plate, Spinal Stenosis, Phospholipid

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Musculoskeletal system : bones, muscles, joints of the body. Bones: structural support and protection of internal organs. Joints: where bones come together/type determined by need for flexibility. Calcium: parathyroid gland produce parathyroid hormone increases gi absorption of calcium increases kidney tubule absorption of calcium stimulates osteoclasts to resorb bone salts into calcium + phosphate. Calcitonin: produced by the c cells of the thyroid gland. Bone marrow: yellow marrow = mostly fat red marrow blood vessels and blood cells in various stages of development ribs, pelvic bone, sternum, vertebrae, epiphyses of long bones replaced later in life with yellow marrow. Cranial bones: coronal (crown, parietal (side, occipital (back) temporal (temple, sphenoid (wedge, ethmoid (sieve, mastoid process (nipple, styloid process (pillar) temporomandibular joint connects the temporal bone and the mandible. Facial bones: nasal bones lacrimal bones, coronal suture, maxillary bones, mandibular bone, mental foramen, vomer.