KAAP430 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tachycardia, Pulmonary Vein, Acidosis

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Kaap430 exercise physiology exam 2 notes9/30/2015 7:26:00 pm. Deliver oxygen, remove co2, temp balance, fluid/blood regulation, acid base buffers, immune functions. Atria receive blood from pulmonary or systemic circulation. Ventricles pump blood through atria or systemic circulation. Valves in between open towards ventricles; cusps force shut if blood tries to flow back up into atria. Aorta takes blood out to systemic circulation. Pulmonary trunk takes blood out to pulmonary circulation (lungs) Superior/inferior vena cava bring blood to right atrium (deoxygenated) Pulmonary veins being blood to left atrium (oxygenated) Thick muscle where muscles contract (endocardium=inner lining, peridcardium=outer lining) Left ventricle has thickest walls to overcome pressure of pumping blood. Exercise normal physiological adaptation of ventricle getting bigger to pump more blood. Left main ca branch into left anterior descending (widow maker b/c if you get clot in that artery it stays there for long period of time and can cause heart attack)