KAAP309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Venule, Radial Artery, Sphygmomanometer

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D elivery s ys tem of dynamic s tructures that begins and ends at heart. A rteries carry blood awa y from heart, oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical ves s els of fetus. C apillaries contact tis s ue cells , directly s erve cellular needs. T hree wall layers in arteries and veins: t unica intima endothelium lines human of all ves s els. S ubendothelial layer in ves s els larger than 1mm; connective tis s ue bas ement membrane: t unica media. S mooth mus cle and s heets of elas tin. S ympathetic vas omotor nerve fibers control vas ocons triction and vas odilation of ves s els. Influence blood flow and blood pres s ure: t unica externa (tunica adventitia) C ollagen fibers protect and reinforce; anchor to s urrounding s tructures. C ontains nerve fibers , lymphatic ves s els.