HIST250- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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Intro to armenian genocide: historical background: armenian christians in the ottoman. Empire: committee of union and progress: origins and ideology. Occupied europe, published in washington dc: axis rule in occupied europe, genocide: the destruction of a nation or an ethnic group, genos: race, tribe (greek, cide: killing (latin, not immediate, pre-meditated. Punishment of the crime of genocide: ungc- united nations general convention, united nations genocide convention of 1948, incorporated some of lemkins ideas, article 2. Cannot compare gas chambers at concentration: actus reus (cid:498)guilty act(cid:499) - action taken to commit a crime, mens rea: (cid:498)guilty mind(cid:499) - intent to commit a crime (cid:498)father of the genocide convention(cid:499) Is the holocaust unique? (sakai pdf: some historians, social scientists, theologians, an other specialists have come to the conclusion that the holocaust can be repeated ** mentioned in class. Or is it a unique one-time thing that has happened in. Author and many other do believe it could happen again.