Document Summary

Many more are working and having careers. Sexual harassment is against the law (1976) Marital rape against the law in most states. Sex refers to the biological/physical attributes with which we are born: anatomical, hormonal, chromosomes. Gender refers to the learned roles, attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other. Sex in uences peoples behavior, but it does not determine how they think, feel and act. People learn to be feminine or masculine through their gender, a more complex concept than sex. Characteristics, attitudes feelings and behaviors associated or expected of males and females. Gender identity refers to one"s perception of themselves as either masculine or feminine. Historically, universal division of labor by sex. Socialization to gender roles begins at birth. For the most part, us society still has fairly rigid gender roles and widespread gender stereotypes, expectations about how people will look, act, think and feel based on their sex.