GEOL105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Why, how and where does the process occur. Prevention or lessening the actual effects how do people aggravate the hazard. Geological processes are natural phenomena best understood using scientific approach. Not based on belief, guesswork or ideas that contradict known natural processes. Hazard - geologic process that is a potential threat to life or property. Disaster - when a hazard has an impact, often defined as an event over a limited time. Catastrophe - massive disaster which requires lots of money/time to recover. Hazard, disaster or catastrophe in a defined area. Energy is either from within (internal) or external. Internal energy (heat from within earth) drives deep processes: In turn drives water cycle, ocean circulation, weather. ~from radioactive decay (as you go deeper into the earth) ~incoming light converted to heat in atmosphere, oceans and land (does not have any effect in the deep processes in the earth) ~seismic waves, ocean waves and tsunami (energy traveling through matter).