GEOG203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mercator Projection, Raymond Williams, Map Projection

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Part 1: culture: does culture have a single meaning, raymond williams. Is culture about a people or about an expression: concept: cultural politics, an insistence that the cultural is political, involving relations of power and con icting interests between di erent groups. Meanings are negotiated and relations of dominance and subordination are de nes and contested" (jackson, 1989: cultural wars, struggle over what is the us identity. Try to understand whats going on in our nation from every point of view. Part 2: mapping: concept: map, a representation of all or a portion of the planet or some other vast environment, all map images have three principle elements: The typical map is graphic: scale, projection, mercator projection is a cylindicular map projection, making the spherical world at distorts maps, symbolization. Zoomoprohic map - using stereotypes of countries to create maps with animals: made up within the cartographer"s mind and opinion.