ENWC201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: National Wildlife Refuge, Migratory Bird Treaty Act Of 1918, Sylvatic Plague

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Gensis 1:28 portrays the earth as the human dominion. Humans have been great at being fruitful and multiplying but poor at replenishing the earth. Humans have taken to heart the instruction to subdue the earth. Market hunting represented one the darkest eras of exploitation of wildlife in the u. s. It was the mass killing of animals as to sell their parts for a large profit: more associated with exploitation of waterfowl; also used on robins. At this point in time, there weren"t many limits on the killing of waterfowl or birds in general, and therefore were heavily shot, turned into something valuable, and then sold to market. At the rate they were being killed, they could not replace as much as was being killed. Teddy, in 1903, created the national wildlife refuge system which was when we would make. Pelican island, fl, a federal sanctuary for herons and egrets.