CRJU201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Misdemeanor, Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, Exclusionary Rule

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Explain the differences between police and policing: police are defined by their means rather than by their ends (results). Policing is having the duty of maintaining law and order. Why it creates a dilemma for the american society: police role is to have the right of using coercive force. There is legitimacy for the police and territory coverage are the two key distinctions. How they differ from police roles: protect and serve the citizens, ensure stability, enforce law, maintain the status quo, police role refers to a basic standardized social position that carries with it certain expectation. Police roles are law enforcement, maintain order, and provide services. Discuss the role of politics in 18th and 19th century american policing. 18th century constables in the daytime and the watch at night. 19th century, the towns increased rapidly, inadequate and inefficient constables, cities formed their own police forces: authority is politics and law close ties between police and local politicians.