[COMM256] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (32 pages long!)

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Human beings have need to expand their own life force and life meaning beyond themselves; this need to be beyond one"s immediate self is the heroic drive. Anderson cooper had to make meaning when given everything. Self-esteem heroic drive toward specialness (2 needs: eros: need to stand out and apart from one"s cohorts, agape: need to merge w/ a group, community or a purpose larger than one"s self. Existential guilt result of only focus on eros only focus on eros and don"t experience gratitude. We want to expand past our body don"t want to end when our body ends: ex. Have kids or want to write a book b/c it will exist when your gone. People who ignore their heroic drive out of fear live in a wasteland: we don"t want to suffer for our potential. Hero is both a conqueror and someone who sacrifices themselves: we don"t want to sacrifice we only want to conquer.