CISC108 Study Guide - Final Guide: Constant Function

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# - after some point, it may be after 10 steps or 1000, after that point f() is going to grow. # - the fastest = o(1): a constant function. # *review adventures in time and space handout* # - cons = o(1) : no matter how large it may be. # what is the fastest on average for arbitrary large data inputs. # which is fastest for a list of 7, 7"s [ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7] # answer: not enough information to tell: because no one knows when the limit will be reached. : what is the size of the input for the following [the following is a list] # answer: length of alot [a list of tweets] # answer: o(n): because it goes through only one recursive call. # makes the o(n) space to o(1) which is faster.