[CISC108] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (224 pages long)

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;; (random n) returns an integer in [0,n-1] Constants will remain to be all caps (check-expect (actual result) (result that is expected)) Divide and conquer: separate each function and put together that the end to create a whole product. Separation of concerns: every application has different things its concerned about. I. e. mouse clicks, times, input from the keyboard and drawing things from the screen. You want to separate it and deal with it individually instead of one massive function. Two main concepts that should be separated: the abstract representation of the state of the world (or scene) Every event causes some transformation of the state of the world: only deal with the abstract of the image because you already separated the functions thus it only has to operate on the abstractedly. Determine what will be the abstraction of the world: string, boolean, number. Image is constant and background is constant: the position is changing thus a number will be used.