CGSC170 Quiz: Exam 1 Review

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Document Summary

Neuroscience: study of nervous system anatomy and physiology, structure and function. Cognitive neuroscience: structure and physiological processes behind specific cognitive functions. Neuron consists of: soma (body, axon (tail, dendrites (input, terminals (output) If summed input exceeds threshold, signal is sent down the axon: signal activates terminal buttons, terminal buttons send signal across synapse to another neuron. Geography of the brain cortex: outer layer, higher-level cognition, recently evolved, characterized by folds. Temporal: auditory processing, pattern recognition, language comprehension. Right and left: language localized in left, spatial cognition localized in right. Right brain controls left side of body. Information from left side of body processed by. Information from right side of body processed by. Left visual field processed by right visual cortex. Right visual field processed by left visual cortex. Corpus callosum connected two hemispheres: bundle of fibers, like a switch station; or a bridge. Conveys information from one side of the body to the opposite side of the brain.