BUAD473 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stewart Shapiro, Consumer Behaviour, Toothpaste

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Consumer behavior: a set of decisions made about the acquisition, use or disposal of products, services and ideas made by one or more decision-making entities over time. Could present different opportunities to marketers if they can answer that question: ex. Consumers may travel and have to bring toothpaste, hair wash, etc. Services: how do consumers plan to use a service: service of a zoo- gives the consumers an experience, ex. Marketing ad picture of a life line going straight ignore chest pain, it"ll go away . They are promoting the service of a hospital and saying that if you have chest pain, do something about it and go to that hospital because it"s the best place to go. Acquiring (choice: what, how (process), whether, when, why, how much, how often, where, for whom. Using (consumption behavior: what, how, whether, when, why, how much, how often (loyalty), where.