BUAD473 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuromarketing, Database Marketing, Confounding

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Methods of data collection: questioning, survey (know all responses & questions, focus groups (more exploratory, in-depth interviews (responses may guide discussion) A c = structured unstructured: human observation. Neuromarketing - looking at physiological responses to see how consumers respond to stimuli. Descriptive - describes consumers demographically, location, mindset, beliefs, motivations and attitudes. Correlation - found together at the same time. Causation - there is a case/effect relationship (which requires ) Conducting experiments = best way to determine causality. Systematically manipulating the independent (causal) variable to assess its" impact on the dependent (effect) variable. Confounding variables - factors that change with the independent variable. Gaze theory - we believe what other people are looking at is important so we look. Pick 2 independent variables: actor"s direction of gaze, level 1 - gazing at product, not gazing at product, amount of objects in the environment, level 2 - few objects, many objects.