BUAD473 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Theory Of Reasoned Action, Counterargument, Confirmation Bias

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Chapter 5: attitude formation and change: high consumer effort. Attitude: a relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object, issue, person, or action: global meaning general, enduring differentiates an attitude from a mood, attitudes are focused on a specific thing. Why are attitudes important: attitudes, guide our thoughts, influence our feelings, offset our behavior. Vi: an ad with a lot of text may still be read if they are highly motivated, high situational involvement you will be willing to read text. Cognitive central route: theory of reasoned action (tora, expectancy-value model, attitude behavior, cognitive response model. Theory of reasoned action: attitude towards cheeks as food v. attitude toward not eating cheeks, more predictive of behavior intentions, attitude specificity. Attitudes change strategy: change belief strength, how firmly do we hold that belief- go after a weakly held belief, go after weakly held evaluations, add new salient beliefs, add a new normative belief.