BUAD309 Study Guide - Final Guide: Big Five Personality Traits, Situational Leadership Theory, Contingency Theory

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Intelligence: general mental ability g , synonymous with iq, has been related to a person"s emerging as a leader within a group. Leader decision making: autocratic make decision alone without necessarily involving employees in decision- making process, democratic employees participate in the making of the decision, laissez-faire leave employees alone to make the decision. Fiedler"s contingency theory: a leader"s style is measured by a scale called least preferred coworker scale, rate least preferred coworker on how friendly, nice, and cooperate person is. Decision-making styles: decide, consult individually, consult as group, facilitate, delegate. Larry gelwix won 419 games, lost 10. 14. 1 case study: toyota owes success to just-in-time production lean manufacturing. Formalization: extent to which policies, procedures, job descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated, formalized structures have lost of written rules and regulations, makes employee behavior more predictable, might lead to reduced innovativeness, motivation, and job satisfaction.