BUAD301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Brand Equity, Disintermediation, Direct Marketing

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Ch a p te r 10 marketing channels: delivering customer value. S u p p ly ch a in : upstream and downstream partners. Upstream supply everything to create product. Downstream form link between firm and customer. Ma ke -a n d -s e ll bu s in e s s view: materials, inputs, capacity are planning starting point **supply chain** S e n s e -a n d -re s p o n d vie w: identify customer needs, organize resource, create customer value **demand chain** Va lu e de live ry ne two rk: company, suppliers, distributors, customers partnered to improve performance. Ma rke tin g ch a n n e l: set of organizations that make product available for consumption. In te rm e d ia rie s : create greater efficiency, transform producer products to products for consumer.