BISC403 Study Guide - Final Guide: Muller'S Morphs, Shotgun Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing

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Dominant disorder = chance the individual will get allele; if you get allele, get the disorder; ratio doesn"t change regardless of the spouse; autosomal dominant spouse does not matter. If information is vital to figuring it out, will be given in the question. Types of recessive mutations: loss of function amorphic, hypomorphic, haplosufficient less than 100% activity is sufficient to produce a wild-type phenotype. Chromosomal mutations and how they play a role in dna analysis in how to understand them: like pcr, agarose gels (use for size, not if there"s a snp) The role of reporters and how they impact studying genes. Polygenic = multiple genes affecting one phenotype; like color, height. Pleiotropy = one change, multiple phenotypic effects; like sickle-cell anemia. Translocation fish will solve; can see regions that have swapped. Deletion is usually large enough to see in a gel electrophoresis; if question doesn"t specify if small or large, assume large enough.