[BISC403] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (39 pages long)

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Document Summary

Organization of genetic information: genes are sequences of dna that encode proteins, dna molecules and proteins assemble into chromosomes; each chromosome contains many genes, not just any random piece of a chromosome is a gene. The human genome: a genome is the entire collection of chromosomes in each cell of an organism, the human genome includes, 24 kinds of chromosomes; 46 actual chromosomes; there are 22, an x, and a. Y: 3x109 base pairs, 20,000-30,000 genes, an organism alive uses the same molecular specialization, dna to store and replicate biological information, rna = intermediate in the production of proteins, protein = final product; catalyzes biological processes. The amino acid sequence determines the three-dimensional shape of the protein: different aa sequence = different 3d shape, different 3d shape = different protein function. Changing one amino acid changes the phenotype: all organisms use essentially the same genetic code, essentially universal.