BISC302- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Specialization of the alimentary canal seen in an herbivore may include: foregut fermentation. C4 photosynthesis: large number of bundle sheath cells. Separates the use of co2 from its absorption. Hierarchy of biological organization: atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms (basic unit of ecology, populations, communities, ecosystems. Landscapes: biomes, biosphere, greater and greater complexity causes a decrease in understanding meaning more controversy. In experiments you need: replication of treatments/controls, assignment of treatments randomly, statistical analysis of results, mathematical models, simplified representations of real systems. Scientific method: observations or previous work, questions, hypotheses w/ testable predictions, design and carry out test (gather data, evaluate hypothesis, new hypotheses, tests, develop and test models. Stratosphere: lots of o3 - protects tropospheric oxygen, screen out uv-b, etc. Two key concepts: key concept #1: warm air rises, cool air sinks, key concept #2: warm air holds more water vapor than cool air does. Intertropical convergence zone: westerlies tradewinds, polar easterlies, coriolis force (effect)