BHAN155 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transtheoretical Model, Cognitive Model, Time Management

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Exam 1 review (ch1,2,3a,7,8: ch1, impediments to academic performance (top 5 in book, health and health benefits, greatest public health achievements. Left end: dimensions of health, determinants of health (5 of them, models of behavior change (3) Four step plan: increase awareness, contemplating change, prepare for change, get started. Review questions: according to nch what is the top reported impediment for students. Diseases of heart: know public and medical health model, know social cognitive model, know health belief model, know trans-theoretical model, know behavior change 4 step plan strategies, chapter 2, what is psychological health. 4 dimensions: maslow;s hierarchy of needs, top- self actualization, factors that influence psychological health, mind body connection. Focus on happieness: strategies to enhance psychological health. Ex: making time for self, sleep: mood disorders. Panic attacks, ptsd, ocd: personality disorders, schizophrenia, suicide, seeking help. Review questions: know characteristics of a healthy person, maslow"s heirarchy of needs, rational part of psyco-social health.