ANFS101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Short-Chain Fatty Acid, Pancreatic Juice, Monogastric

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Prehension and mastication: prehension is the lips tongue and teeth, mastciation is chewing, these increase surface, breakdown food. Stomach (monogastrics: physical breakdown: chewing, chemical breakdown, hcl. Small intestine: bile is mixed in, increase surface area of fats and lipids. Formed in liver, stored in gallbladder: pancreatic juice, duodenum. Microganisms breakdown cellulose, and b-complex vitamins are produced, volatile fatty acids are produced (vfas: compare and contrast the structures and function of the git models (ruminant/cow; non-ruminant (monogastric) / pig and chicken; non-ruminant herbivore/horse as we discussed. Cow (ruminant animal: complex stomach, very different way of digestion. Allows the animals to use roughage (cellulose) as a source of energy, high microbial population allows this, microbes ferment the feed: the ruminant fills with rumen rapidly. The cow takes very little time to chew, the cows chew there cud, chewing the cud: the cow regurgitates its product in the rumen, chews it and swallows, this process continues about (40-50000 times a day: rumen.