PHIL 13 Study Guide - Final Guide: Natural Law, Prima Facie, Moral Rights

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17 Mar 2016

Document Summary

We have to consult our own consciousness in order to understand the moral law. God has implanted the moral law in all of us and we eventually come to understand it. We have to reflect upon ourselves in order to be moral. Men are naturally good, we have knowledge of the moral law in our primitive state: parfit- theories of the good. This is a vague fact because it is dependent of the perspective of what is good for the individual. Hedonism: she has a neutral life, mediocre. She has no pleasure, but she doesn t feel bad. She has a long and successful life but she cant feel pleasure directly. Desire satisfactionism: depends on weather she is satisfying her desires, if this is meant by her successful we need more information about her living conditions in order to know if her life desires are being fulfilled.