MMW 11 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rigveda, Shang Dynasty, Filial Piety

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Mmw 11 study guide final exam. Brahmanism: pre-hinduism; question the universe; sacrifice is inward; meditation; discipline, self-denial; meditation on the vedas. Samkhya: focus on self; root of unhappiness is ego; yoga; impulses enslave us; move beyond world of power and material goods. Indra: divine warrior; fought 3-headed dragon; brought order to land; soma. Varuna: associated with heavens; creator, ruler by rita (rights and order) Brahman: priestly caste; from mouth of first man. Kshatriya: warriors, rulers, chiefdoms, kings; arms of first man. Shundra: common laborers; feet of first man. Rig veda: hymns dedicated to gods, written by the gods; importance of ritual and co- existence with the natural world. Purusa: primeval man who was sacrificed to make up the caste system. Atman: inner world, inner self, core of a person; soul. Karma: counting up of good and bad deeds in one"s life. Upanishads: focus on inner space; meditation; move from inner to outer; after rig veda.