[HILD 2A-B-C] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (25 pages long)

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Key themes and concepts: features of pre-columbian agriculture in meso- and north-america: crops, techniques and domesticated animals, predominant political structure of meso-american civilizations, features of native american social structures in mississippi valley and american southwest. When europeans came, there weren"t large powerful empires, but smaller focal points. Arrival of the rst peoples : 80,000 years of slow migration to the americas, foragers from north-east asia. Arrived via a land bridge known as beringia (between. The land bridge disappeared because of rising sea levels: megafauna large animals taking advantage of the contracting glaciers (mammoths, elephants, etc. ). Large mammals collectively part of this megafauna group. They started dying off, largely due to climate change (end of ice age): end of ice age, melting of glaciers, extinction of megafauna, complete separation of north. Horses and camels disappear from north america at the same time. Camels originated in americas but died off before their domestication.