COGS 1 Final: COGS1 final exam study guide

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Our final exam will focus on all the material covered in all post-midterm lectures, including the guest lectures. The exam will feature a variety of multiple-choice and true/false questions. The best way to prepare is to review all the lecture slides and acquaint yourself with the assignments. Below, we provide some of the key concepts and terms to know for the exam. Note: you want to know the definition of the terms and the larger context in which they fit. In general, this is a class about big concepts. The examples provided in lecture are given to illustrate those larger concepts. Name and dates are less important than theories and definitions. Standard disclaimer: this is not a complete list. It is merely intended to give you an idea of what types of things you are expected to know. Ethnography & embodied cognition: dr. federico rossano discussed the social implications of voice-following and gaze-following, for humans and other humans.