BENG 140B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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4 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Homeostasis: dynamic mechanisms that detect and respond to deviations in physiological variables from their set point values by initiating effector responses that restore the variables to the optimal physiological range. Specialized cell types: epithelial cell, connective tissue cell, nerve cell, muscle cell. Internal environment: icf (intercellular fluid) isf(interstitial fluid) plasma organs external environment. Levels return to their set point via homeostasis. Levels change over short periods of time but remain relatively constant over long periods of time. Room temperature decreases heat loss from body increases body temperature decreases responses include shivering, curling up, and constriction of skin blood vessels heat production increases, and heat loss from body decreases return of body temperature towards original value. Active product: controls sequence of chemical reactions by inhibiting the sequence"s rate-limiting enzyme, Identify the internal environment variable concentration of glucose in blood. Establish the set point value for that variable 70 to 110 mg glucose/dl of blood.