PSYC 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Marian Breland Bailey, Edward Thorndike, Albert Bandura

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Chapter : know the two general types of learning as well as relevant subtypes, associative learning, non-associative learning i) ii) i) ii) Classical conditioning (pavlovian) - a basic form of learning which one stimulus/event predicts the occurrence of another stimulus/event. Operant conditioning (skinnerian) - learning in which the probability of a response is changed by a change in its consequence. Know garcia"s work with taste aversion learning: shepard siegel , john garcia . Law of effect - a response followed by satisfying consequences becomes more probable and a response followed by dissatisfying consequences becomes less probable (stimulus-response connection) Both increase probability of response that precedes: positive punishment (i. e. hot stove) vs. negative punishment (i. e. take away i) i) child"s allowance) Instinctual drift - learned behavior drifts toward instinctual behavior (biological tendencies/needs) over time ( keller breland and marion breland : know the types of complex learning. understand comparative cognition and the cognitive map, complex learning i) ii)